Blog Posts in category: construction lending

Who Says Millennials Aren’t Buying Houses?

The long-running narrative on Millennials has been that they are living in their parent’s basements, too crippled by debt and low-paying jobs to afford to live on their own. Quickly, though, that story is changing. In fact, Millennials have had...

A Solution to Ease Construction Loan Pain

Everyone on our team, top to bottom, is devoted to helping to ease our clients’ pain. A lot of companies talk about helping their clients—it’s in their mission statements or employee handbooks—without actually walking the walk. But day in and...

Busting Construction Lending Myths

With refinances tapering off and less real estate inventory available to your potential loan clients, opportunity in the construction loan market expands every day. In the past, construction lending was seen as extremely risky and time-consuming. With technology and...

Commit to Change: Successful Software Implementation

Your company has brand new software ready for implementation, but—surprise, surprise—your team has met the change with resistance. As creatures of habit, your human employees cannot help but resist change and all of the hard work that goes with...

Increase Lending Policy and Portfolio Compliance Efficiency

I’ve learned very quickly that the life of a chief risk officer isn’t easy. Their world requires constant vigilance—keeping up with all compliance matters while aiming to balance risk and reward for their institution. We could probably devote an entire...

Next Steps to Manage Your CRE Portfolio

My last blog covered five steps you should consider to promote diversification and/or alleviate a portion of the credit risk associated with real estate concentration. Here are a few more as we look at managing a Commercial Real Estate...
Posts 1-6 (of 9)